2018 Educator of the Year Award

The Composite Division of the Society of Plastic Engineers proudly recognizes Dr. Luyi Sun from the University of Connecticut as the 2018 Educator of the Year Award. What drew the judges’ attention to this candidate was the large number of students (50 undergraduate researchers / 7 Masters Students / and 12 PhD candidates) that have worked under Dr. Sun’s supervision, and the work that he has done in biopolymer, nanosheet, Li ion battery, spray coating, barrier, structural, fluoropolymer coating, and photocatalytic composites areas.


Dr. Luyi Sun Accepting the 2018 Educator of the Year


We hope to honor additional, well qualified Educators on the years to come, so if you are aware of such candidates, please enter them into 2019’s Educator of the Year award.


Respectfully submitted,


Dr. Dale A. Grove
Composite Division Awards Chair